Friday, 2 January 2015

If you are considering a divorce in Singapore, you will require an honest assessment of your likely outcomes and options.Call one of our family lawyers on 63370469 to discuss your case for free to consider your options find out exactly where you stand.

Gloria James-Civetta Family Lawyers are Specialists in Family and Divorce Law. Our Family Law Department covers Divorce and Separation, including property, maintenance and allmatters relating children’s welfare. Each of our lawyers has been trained to use Mediation as a means to helping people through their Divorce or Separation Legal Issues in order to avoid the lengthy and expensive court alternative.

We try to mediate all Family Law matters as our first choice but when all avenues are exhausted or Mediation is simply not suitable, some matters have to go to Court because one party is being unreasonable. We are not only experienced Mediators but we are very experienced at Court Representation serving our client`s best interests.

“We are Specialist Family Lawyers, we understand the processes to give you the best outcome possible”

Our clients are presented with a realistic assessment of the likely outcome of their case. We are up front about costs and work with you to keep your costs down or within budget as much as possible.

Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION with one of our lawyers on 63370469 or EMAIL US to make your appointment.

Visit our Blog Site for more information on Divorce Matters,